A Japanese schoolboy once showed his courage in a way that puts many of us to shame.
He went to a school in Nagasaki with about 150 other boys, and he was the only Christian among them all. He brought his lunch to school, as he lived at a distance. As he began to eat his lunch each day, he dared to fold his hands to pray and ask a blessing on his food. The lad had some enemies among the other boys, and they went to the schoolmaster and accused him of "doing something in the way of magic."The schoolmaster thereupon called the boy before the school and asked him what he had been doing. The little fellow spoke up bravely. He explained that he was a Christian, and that he had been thanking God and asking Him to bless the food.
To the boy's surprise, the schoolmaster burst into tears, and put his head down on the desk. He then looked up. "My boy," he exclaimed, "I too am a Christian; but I was afraid to tell anyone. Now, with God's help, I will try to live as a Christian ought to live."
The courage of that young man had brought conviction to the schoolmaster, had provided him an example, and had given him a new boldness.
Be strong with the Lord's mighty power (Ephesians 6:10)
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